Royal Alberta Museum

Our Mission

To provide superior engineering designs meeting building code requirements through the utilization of sound engineering practices.

Detail Oriented. Quality Driven. Schedule Focused. Customer Centric.

Our Commitment

To understand our client’s needs through effective communication and collaboration.

Professional Engineer: Derek Lai

M.A.Sc., P.Eng., President

Derek earned his B.A.Sc. in Civil Engineering and M.A.Sc. in Structural Engineering from University of Toronto. He holds designations as a Professional Engineer in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and with further distinction of Consulting Engineer in the province of Ontario.

We are able to serve virtually any jurisdiction in the world.


My name is Derek Lai and I am the president of D.L. Engineering Inc. Thank you for your interest in our company. I am proud of the team I have assembled and our ability to maintain strict adherence to our mission of “detail oriented, quality driven, schedule focused and client centric” service.

You will always find me to be accessible and accountable, as that is my personal pledge to you. I can commit to this because of the emphasis we have on quality control measures and quality assurance. I have confidence in my team and know you will as well.

Derek Lai, President



Natural Stone
